Collection of novelty lighters

I have been collecting lighters for years now, I thought it would be fun to share my collection. My favorite type of lighters are the novelty lighters, however I will accept any kind of lighter into my collection!

Winston Select Lighter

This thin, flat lighter looks real old, but I cannot find anything to tell me when it was made. It seems to be made to slip into a pack of cigarettes.

When inspecting it you can tell it used to have white in those little grooves on the sides. There is some left on the back left side. You can’t see it on the metal in the picture, but it has Winston Select engraved on it (both sides).

You can see how thin it is compared to a normal-size Zippo.

I have never tried to put fluid in it to see if it lights. I bet it would, everything sounds good when you dry-light it.

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